Mini Game Ideas for Metaverse

What do yall think of having a bunch of mini games on the Dogelon Metaverse? The Metaverse is said to have 1,000 parcels of digital land. A few of these parcels could be devoted to games that metaverse users can play. Here are some examples:

  1. Martian Raceway - Challenge fellow Martians to a race around Mars, through the Asteroid Belt, and over the rings of Saturn in the latest Dogelon spacecraft. Mario Kart-style of gameplay.
  2. Mars Down Under - Explore the subterranean world of Mars in a first-person shooter adventure game. Encounter extraterrestrial friends and foes as you chart the unknown under the Martian sand and discover valuable relics and artifacts (which you can mint as NFTs).
  3. Dogelon Palace - Play poker and other games with your pals at our celestial gambling hall and win prizes, including NFTs, $ELON, and merch.
  4. Martian Defense Force - Join our ranks and defend Martian airspace from the Annihilators, the foes in search of our beloved Dogelon. Gain prestige for completing missions and equip yourself the most advanced aircraft the Martian Defense Force has to offer. Star Fox-style of gameplay.
  5. Spaceport Tycoon - Use your business acumen to manage MarsPort, the main civilian spaceport on Mars. Make business deals with passenger and cargo space companies, secure fuel and ground crew, and provide passengers with a comfortable place to wait for their spaceflight, all while turning a profit and expanding your business. Isometric business simulator-style of gameplay.

I’d love to hear your ideas!


As a Martian Gamer, i think this is an amazing idea!!


The first type of game you mention automatically reminds me of the air races in Diddy Kong Racing on the N64. Those races with Martian powerups, etc., would be really cool.
About the lands, I don’t know how it will work, but it would also be cool to see an arcade room where you can put in some games in arcade machines , see the action of inserting the coin, and all that.


To add onto your awesome idea how about a spaced theme amusement park… All ideas can be incorporated into space themed amusement park

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Dude, the air races in Diddy Kong racing was what I was envisioning, but I didn’t think others would know it! That’s exactly what I’d like to see, but space-themed.

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love it! our little metaverse characters could also play virtual fair games we see in amusement parks in real life, like whack-a-mole and shooting games.

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Most definitely with a space twist

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Wack-a-mole (mine an asteroid) not sure how the game would be but mine an asteroid can be an interactive game that also educates about intergalactic mining.
Shooting game something with stars (shooting stars)
Build a rover
Gravity jump

This all sounds awesome. I would do a game like how Def Jam was but make it to were the fighting take place on other worlds.

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Tower games or clicker games would be amazing as well.