How can we get the token bigger usecase?

If the token value needs to be increased there should be a real usecase of the token. One of the primary reason top 50 coins exist is because of the usecase and its utility. So as a community we need to build the usecase to get the token going. Either the tokens fundamentals should be strong like Bitcoin or we have to find a way to build the usecase. Not sure who our developers are? But with the help of devs we need to start building the coin towards the utility and not meme based without any value.


:point_up_2: This :point_up_2::hammer_and_pick::face_with_monocle:…Valid Points…Devs? Rather then KYC, let’s KYDs?


I agree, and I think the Devs are working on that, primarily through Rufus. The L2 chain will make ELON the token for transactions. If projects come on chain and become popular, Rufus will give ELON a lot of utility.


Yes it needs more real world use cases

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