This coin is dead

There is 0 public sentiment and coin market cap even now shows as bullish. There is 0 public interest in this coin just look at the trading volume per day. Tomorrow im depositing enough eth to sell my billion tokens ive been hold since 2021 and investing in projects going somewhere. Its obvious this dev team.cares nothing about the community. Take it easy Dogelonmars and thanks fir 4 years of nothing. Yall take care


Definitely not dead. Dead projects don’t go for years there building


Oh and so you go were the public goes :thinking:

@Dogll04 when ever your ready, let me know. I would gladly buy it all from you. For real!!! Inbox me or I can even text you my number :call_me_hand:t5:.

I go where the money is. Thats why were all in this game. I dumped 750 million coins n already made 44% increase after eth tax. This coin is dead

Already gone n made a 44% increase off selling in 2 days. Whats that tell u, we should have all been millionaires. This team dont care about us. Thinking adding xrp going to do anything? Thats the most oversold undervalued coin ever. They are the same as this team nothing but broken promises but at least they increased $3 in 4 years. Smh i just laugh cause compared to new projects these should just wipe the slate clean n start over. There is no recovery

A lot of people feel the way you do. This guy is the man behind the dogelonmars x account. He keeps forgetting to change accounts when he posts. XRP is a good coin to get into. Research it…and by means am I qualified to give financial advice.