This team better do something n i mean fast

The market has changed and adverage people are making 300% to 5000% gains in a day. Burning a trillion is cool but do that every 3 months cause u made too many, or ad a burning mechanism into transactions. If not you will loose all your long term holders. Theres way way more money to be made else where. N lets be honest we got in to make money not talk to each other n loose money. With a coin being on 7 blockchains n 4 years old its value should be 5000x what it was when i bought in 2021. Yall stay blessed this is my last day on here. Im checking my wallet in 3 to 6 months n if there isnt substantial gains im cashing out and so will all of your other holders. All ive seen is emply promises and if u cant make this coin explode now it NEVER will. Take care…

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They don’t care. The monthly pump and dump says so.

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Exactly… Tomorrow im selling my billion coins and investing in new projects that are actually going somewhere

I’m sitting on 117 Billion coins. I could have been making mad gains in other cryptos.

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Exacty bro. They did that burn n the price went down. I dumped 800 million cause this team dont care. I follow the holder wallets and nothings happening that will make up for 4 years of losses